Analyzing Global Asset Prices Amid Rising Liquidity

Macro Jan 13, 2024

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The interplay between global asset prices and liquidity is a critical area of focus for investors and policymakers alike. Understanding the dynamics that drive these financial variables provides insight into the broader economic climate. The above video by Luke Gromen examines whether global asset prices can decline amidst increasing global liquidity, the impact of oil sales on currency valuations, and the implications of shifts in monetary and fiscal policy.

Global Liquidity and Asset Prices

One of the fundamental questions raised regards the possibility of global asset prices decreasing while global liquidity is on the rise. Historical trends suggest that as liquidity increases, asset prices tend to rise due to the availability of more capital to invest. This increased demand for assets typically inflates prices. However, the sensitivity of different assets to liquidity changes can vary. For instance, Bitcoin has been cited as a particularly sensitive indicator of liquidity changes, often reacting positively to increases in liquidity.

Currency Dynamics and Oil Transactions

The currency market dynamics are influenced by numerous factors, including how commodities like oil are transacted. When Saudi Arabia sells oil to China in renminbi (RMB) instead of US dollars, it ostensibly reduces the demand for dollars from the Saudis. However, given the entrenched nature of the dollar in global finance, particularly through the offshore dollar-denominated debt markets, even a marginal shift can lead to a strengthening of the dollar. This is because a reduction in the supply of dollars to meet the persistent demand can drive up the value of the dollar. Conversely, a surplus of RMB, with comparatively less demand, could lead to a weaker RMB.


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Implications for Gold and Treasury Demand

The shift away from pricing oil exclusively in dollars has ramifications for gold and US Treasuries. As central banks diversify their reserves away from US Treasuries and towards gold, the demand for the latter increases. This trend has been observed over the past decade. In the long term, the move away from dollar-centric oil transactions could diminish the demand for US Treasuries, which, in turn, could be negative for the dollar.

Inflation, Deflation, and Interest Rates

The prospect of a return to a deflationary environment versus the potential for long rates to surpass 5% is a critical issue. Given the current fiscal landscape in the United States, it is argued that neither deflation nor excessively high long-term interest rates are sustainable. The fiscal situation may necessitate a period of secular inflation with persistent negative real interest rates. This would have a significant impact on long-term bond portfolios, which could face losses either nominally or in real terms adjusted for inflation.

Legal Constraints and Treasury Management

Questions regarding legal limitations on the proportion of short-term to long-term debt that the US Treasury can issue have been raised. While there may be legal frameworks in place, historical precedence suggests that such regulations can be amended if deemed necessary by policymakers, implying that these constraints may be more procedural than absolute.

Peak Cheap Oil Debate

Finally, the discussion on whether the era of "peak cheap oil" has ended and if we have entered a time of abundance requires careful consideration. While some argue that technological advancements and new supply sources are mitigating scarcity concerns, others maintain that the economics of oil extraction still point to a world where cheap, easily accessible oil is becoming scarcer. This has implications for energy pricing in various currencies and the relative cost of oil in dollar terms versus gold.


In summary, the relationship between global liquidity and asset prices is complex and multifaceted. Currency valuations, particularly the US dollar's status in global markets, play a significant role in these dynamics. The interplay between fiscal and monetary policy, commodity pricing, and legal frameworks all contribute to the evolving economic landscape. Understanding these interconnected elements is essential for navigating the global financial system.



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