How DEI Destroyed Boeing

Woke Capitalism Jan 15, 2024

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Key Takeaways

In this episode of the Buck Brief, the guest Porter Stansberry, founder, chairman, and CEO of Marketwise, provides deep insights into the current state of corporate America, particularly focusing on Boeing and the broader implications of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria on business performance and safety. Stansberry's expertise in market analysis shines through as he explains the negative impact of these policies on company culture, talent retention, and product quality, using Boeing as a prime example.

Porter highlights Boeing's shift from a meritocracy to a DEI/ESG-focused culture, which he argues has led to the decline of the company's engineering standards and financial health. He points out the lack of engineering expertise in Boeing's leadership, especially citing the COO with an accounting background, and connects this to recent safety incidents, including a piece of a Boeing 737 MAX fuselage tearing off mid-flight.

Stansberry also touches on the broader economic outlook, predicting persistent inflation due to the United States' large fiscal deficits and the Federal Reserve's monetary policies. He expresses skepticism over the Fed's ability to control inflation and foresees continued nominal GDP growth through government spending and money printing. Moreover, Stansberry speaks to the social consequences of these economic policies, including the erosion of real wages, increased gambling, and other social ills.


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Best Quotes

  • "If you're working with a group of people and suddenly promotions and raises and bonuses start getting doled out because of factors other than performance, it has a really shockingly bad impact on the culture." - This quote encapsulates Stansberry's view on how DEI policies can negatively affect company culture and performance when not implemented in conjunction with merit.
  • "The truly talented people are going to leave and go work for SpaceX." - Stansberry uses this statement to illustrate the consequences of losing top talent due to frustration with corporate politics overshadowing merit-based achievements.
  • "It's almost as if somebody was deliberately trying to destroy this company, because you can't make decisions this bad if you weren't trying to." - Stansberry's blunt assessment of Boeing's leadership and financial decisions suggests a deep-rooted problem within the company.
  • "The saddest part for me is the people who are suffering the most from these kinds of policies and from DEI and from ESG and all this stuff, the defund the police, all this stuff. The people who suffer the most are the people who keep voting for it." - Stansberry expresses concern for the working class, who bear the brunt of policies they often support politically.
  • "I think that inflation is going to be intractable and very difficult to beat because of the size of the fiscal deficits of the United States." - Stansberry's prediction on the economic outlook challenges the narrative of inflation being under control.


The podcast episode with Porter Stansberry provided a thought-provoking analysis of the current corporate landscape and economic conditions. Stansberry's critique of Boeing's approach to DEI and ESG initiatives raises important questions about the balance between social policies and business performance. His economic forecast suggests a challenging path ahead, with inflation likely remaining an issue due to government spending and monetary policies.

Listeners were left to ponder the potential long-term effects of these trends on American businesses and society. Stansberry's insights serve as a reminder of the importance of sound decision-making in both corporate governance and economic policy. As we look to the future, it becomes increasingly clear that a nuanced approach to DEI, ESG, and fiscal responsibility will be crucial for the sustained success of companies and the well-being of the broader economy.



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