Climate Predictions and the Premature Verdict of 2024

climate hysteria Feb 12, 2024

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The onset of 2024 has been marked by a series of claims suggesting that the year would be characterized by record-breaking heat. Despite these early predictions, several regions experienced extreme cold, challenging the narrative that warming trends uniformly lead to more severe weather events.

Record-Breaking Cold vs. Heat Predictions

At the beginning of 2024, various media outlets and commentators preemptively labeled the year as the hottest on record. For instance, The Hill Times ran a headline stating, "2024 the year it got really hot," and Heatmap Daily expressed a negative sentiment towards the anticipated climate patterns of 2024. Such statements were made despite the occurrence of record-breaking low temperatures and snow in typically hot regions like Saudi Arabia.

The Hill Times

Climate Science and Predictive Rigor

The traditional cycle of hypothesis testing in science appears to be overlooked in some climate science narratives. Predictions made without awaiting actual data from the year in question have led to concerns about the validity of these hypotheses. Notably, New York Times columnist David Gelles speculated about the intensity of the upcoming wildfire season and the certainty of another hot year, respectively.

The RCP 8.5 Scenario

Climate discussions have also been influenced by the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 scenario, which has been subject to criticism for its portrayal of an improbable future where the economy collapses due to heating, yet hydrocarbon energy use soars. Despite this, Canada's Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions has aligned its climate scenario exercises with this narrative, potentially affecting financial risk calculations.

Impact on Municipal Decisions

The City of Edmonton's investment in electric buses that malfunction in cold weather exemplifies the practical consequences of climate predictions. The buses required diesel heaters to operate in winter, highlighting a gap between expectations of warming trends and real-world conditions.

Edmonton Journal

Historical Weather Events

Historical records, such as a heatwave in 1934 that caused significant crop losses and a drought in 1871, show that extreme weather events have occurred without the modern emphasis on climate change as a causative factor.

Agricultural Innovation

Advancements in agricultural technology, such as the development of electronic soil that boosts crop growth, demonstrate human innovation's potential to address food security concerns, irrespective of climate change.

The Challenge of Core Assumptions

Climate alarmists are encouraged to reflect on their core assumptions and consider the implications if their theories are proven incorrect. For instance, a Royal Society publication suggests that CO2 increases could be a result of temperature rises, not the cause.

Historical Temperature Records

The precision of historical temperature records is contested, with adjustments to past data and reliance on incomplete datasets calling into question the accuracy of temperature comparisons between the 19th century and the present.

Modern Temperature Records and Models

Contemporary temperature records also face scrutiny, as NOAA reports data from non-existent weather stations, and global models rely on interpolated and adjusted data, lacking the precision often claimed.

Real-World Energy Experiments

A proposal to test the reliability of wind and solar power during peak demand hours in Ontario highlights the need for practical evaluations of renewable energy solutions.

Climate Sensitivity Studies

Observation-based studies, such as Ray Bates' paper, offer lower estimates for climate sensitivity to CO2 doubling when considering a more complex energy balance model that includes heat transfer between the tropics and non-tropical regions.

Summary of 2023 Climate Extremes

Roger A. Pielke Jr.'s summary of 2023 climate events points out the discrepancy between the narrative of worsening weather and the actual data, including the lower number of wildfires in the United States despite claims of a global climate crisis.


The early verdict of 2024 as an exceptionally hot year, based on predictions rather than observed data, has raised questions about the scientific rigor in climate forecasting. The reliance on controversial scenarios and the challenges posed by historical and contemporary data accuracy underscore the complexity of climate science. As the year progresses, it remains to be seen whether the initial predictions will align with reality.



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