Former Energy Secretary Perry Criticizes Administration’s Energy Policy

climate hysteria Jan 26, 2024

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In a CNBC interview earlier today, former Secretary of Energy Rick Perry voiced strong criticism against the current administration's pause on energy policies, which he believes will negatively impact the American economy and job market. Perry, also a former governor of Texas, is skeptical of the administration's portrayal of the climate crisis as an existential threat and suggests that this pause could inadvertently lead to an increase in coal plant activity, particularly in Europe.

Perry argued that if the goal is to genuinely address climate concerns, the U.S. should promote the use of clean-burning American liquefied natural gas (LNG) rather than halting its production. He warned that the expected economic fallout would extend beyond the primary LNG-producing states of Texas and Louisiana, affecting jobs in Ohio and Pennsylvania—states critical to the political landscape.


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Recent trends in U.S. oil production have surprised many, with significant growth despite expectations to the contrary. The concept of “inventory runway” has been central to these discussions, referring to the duration for which producers can maintain or increase output levels.

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The former secretary suggested that the president's actions might be politically motivated, aimed at appeasing environmentalists within the Democratic Party. Perry expressed concern that unilateral decisions by the administration, circumventing Congress, could signal a disregard for the legislative process and the will of the American people. He drew parallels between energy policy and immigration policy, implying a pattern of bypassing Congressional approval to satisfy a political agenda.

Perry also highlighted the geopolitical implications of the administration's energy stance, stating that it sends a negative message to European allies who rely on the U.S. for energy security and to reduce dependence on Russian energy sources, which can be used as a geopolitical weapon.

In conclusion, Perry anticipates a strong voter response in November, reflecting dissatisfaction with the current energy and immigration policies. He cautions that the administration’s current path could have far-reaching consequences for American energy workers, the political climate, and international relations.



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