Analysis of Texas Grid Performance During Winter Storm Heather and the Role of Renewables

energy Jan 23, 2024

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Texas experienced a significant winter storm named Heather, which tested the state's electric grid's resilience. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) managed the situation, and there was much discourse regarding the performance of renewable energy sources during the event.

Grid Performance

During the storm, ERCOT implemented new operating procedures and conducted winter inspections, which appear to have contributed to the grid's stability. In addition, the demand for electricity was lower than anticipated, with a 13% reduction on the first day and a 10% reduction on the following day.

Role of Renewables

Renewable energy sources, particularly wind power, played a crucial role in the grid's performance. West Texas wind underperformed due to the storm's impact; however, the Gulf Coast and South Texas wind generation were robust. Additionally, battery storage systems reportedly performed well. Despite the success of renewables, there were still periods where fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, and nuclear) constituted a significant portion of the energy mix, reaching 85% to 95%.


Challenges and Improvements

While the grid fared well during the storm, it was suggested that luck played a part due to favorable wind conditions. The need for better reporting on the state of charge for batteries was identified as an area requiring improvement. Moreover, the Public Utility Commission (PUC) faced criticism for its handling of the situation, although it was noted that lessons were learned from the previous Winter Storm Uri.

Demand Response and Communication

Notices were issued by ERCOT encouraging energy conservation. This demand response, potentially triggered by proactive communication, is believed to have contributed to the lower electricity consumption during the storm. Awareness of energy conservation measures among consumers and power generators, especially those using natural gas and nuclear, was higher due to the experiences from Winter Storm Uri.

Infrastructure and Investment

To address future electricity needs, the complexity of the power grid was highlighted, including the necessity of transmission lines capable of moving generated power to where it is needed. Discussions around new projects, such as the proposed Southern Cross transmission line, underscored the intricate challenges in building a resilient grid.


The Texas grid's performance during Winter Storm Heather indicates a measure of progress in grid resilience and the beneficial impact of renewable energy sources. However, the reliance on fossil fuels remains significant, and the grid's success was partly attributed to lower demand and favorable weather conditions for wind generation. Going forward, improved infrastructure, better reporting mechanisms, and continued investment in diverse energy sources will be crucial for the grid's long-term stability and reliability.



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