Washington Uniparty Brokered Border Deal

Politics Feb 06, 2024

This post was originally published on https://tftc.io by Staff.

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In a move that has set tongues wagging across the political spectrum, a new border deal has been forged in Washington that critics claim epitomizes the prioritization of foreign engagements over domestic welfare. The deal, as reported, appears to strike a balance—or imbalance, depending on one's perspective—between allocating funds overseas and addressing immigration policies at home.

Under the terms of the reported arrangement, a staggering $118 billion will be earmarked to support various international and domestic initiatives. A significant portion of this, approximately $60 billion, is allegedly designated to aid Ukraine amidst its ongoing conflict, perpetuating what some see as a questionable involvement in the nation's "lost cause."

Israel is another beneficiary in this deal, slated to receive $14 billion, while $5 billion is purportedly allocated for regions tied to Hamas or Gaza. The deal appears to demonstrate the United States' intricate role in global conflicts, highlighted by the $2.3 billion proposed for the Red Sea region—a strategic maritime route predominantly used by European and Chinese vessels.

On the home front, the agreement reportedly paves the way for the legalization of 1.5 million undocumented immigrants annually, stirring acute debate over the potential political ramifications. The proposal also seems to ensure a green card windfall that could extend through 2030.

The domestic implications are further compounded by the deal's alleged allocation of $2.3 billion to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in resettling immigrants throughout the United States. These NGOs, some argue, are instrumental in the Democratic Party's strategy to reshape the electoral landscape.

Critics also highlight the bipartisan nature of the deal, suggesting that it serves as a vehicle for both Republican and Democratic interests. Republicans are accused of securing funds for military and defense ventures, including preparations for a potential conflict with China, while Democrats are charged with pursuing demographic shifts through immigration policies.

The backlash among Republican constituents centers on a perceived betrayal by party leaders who are accused of capitulating to corporate interests seeking inexpensive labor at the expense of American voters.

In response to the outcry, some suggest that President Joe Biden could address immigration concerns by reinstating former President Donald Trump's policies, such as the "Remain in Mexico" directive for asylum seekers.

As the nation watches the unfolding political madness, many wonder if the deal will pass or if it will merely serve as another chapter in the ongoing debate over immigration and foreign policy. The broader implications for the upcoming elections are also a subject of intense speculation.



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