Debunking "The Debt Doesn't Matter": The Inescapable Reality of National Debt

Economics Feb 07, 2024

This post was originally published on by Staff.

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In an era where political and economic discourse is rife with misconceptions, Guy Swann has had enough, challenging the often-quoted assertions that national debt is inconsequential or, even more perplexingly, that "we owe it to ourselves." As a publication dedicated to delivering truth to the commoner, it is crucial to examine the claims presented by Guy and dissect the implications they carry for our economy.

The central premise of Guy's rant is straightforward: a nation accrues a surplus when it produces more than it consumes, and conversely, a deficit arises when consumption exceeds production. Swann argues that a perpetually growing debt signifies a systematic overconsumption, effectively depleting the pool of available resources without replenishing it. This trajectory, if sustained, inevitably leads to the exhaustion of resources—a stark warning that is artfully simplified with the quip, "Congratulations. You are now more fit to run the government than the average Keynesian economist."

Addressing the oft-repeated notion that "we owe it to ourselves," Swann delivers a scathing rebuke. He asserts that such a belief is fundamentally flawed; after all, debt represents an obligation from the consumers to the producers, not a cyclical transaction within an individual entity. He employs a compelling analogy: if someone borrows your car and issues you an IOU, the debt incurred is not nullified by the fact that it is internal—there is a tangible car that has been lent and must be returned or compensated for. The debtor's assurances that "the debt doesn't matter" are portrayed as not only misleading but dangerously negligent.

Guy further warns that this mass of debt underpins the value of pensions, retirement accounts, and bank savings. The degradation of these values is exemplified through a hypothetical situation where the once singular IOU required to reclaim your car has inflated to necessitate five IOUs just to rent a replacement vehicle. The message is clear: the debt matters immensely, and unless addressed, the public will pay either directly or through the devaluation of currency.

In a historical context, Swann alludes to the downfall of empires, suggesting that excessive, uncontrolled debt has never been the harbinger of prosperity. The conclusion is unambiguous; to avoid the impending financial fallout, individuals should divest from these "slips of paper" and invest in assets that cannot be arbitrarily replicated by the government, like bitcoin.

In summary, Guy's rant serves as a clarion call to reconsider how we perceive national debt, challenging the complacency that has become all too common in economic rhetoric. It cautions that the consequences of ignoring the burgeoning debt are far-reaching and potentially catastrophic.



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